Probability & Statistics

Measure theory

By Baptiste Mokas
  • Last update 26/09/2023
  • English


Welcome to the enlightening journey through "Measure Theory and Probability: Unveiling the Mathematical Foundations." This course invites you to immerse yourself in the profound world of measure theory, probability theory, and their wide-ranging applications. Prepare to embark on an intellectual odyssey that will equip you with the tools to comprehend and navigate the intricacies of probability, randomness, and uncertainty.

As you embark on this course, your voyage begins with a deep dive into set theory fundamentals. You will explore the essence of sets, elements, set operations, and the concept of cardinality. The construction of real numbers and the notion of convergence and limits of sequences will introduce you to the fundamental building blocks of analysis. Completeness of real numbers will emerge as a pivotal concept, bridging the abstract with the concrete.

Sigma-algebras and measure spaces will become your compass as you enter the realm of measure theory. You'll gain a comprehensive understanding of sigma-algebras, measures, and measurable sets and functions, paving the way for precise and rigorous mathematical reasoning.

The second part of the course delves into Lebesgue measure and integration, shedding light on the construction and properties of this foundational measure. You'll master the definition of Lebesgue integrals, their properties, and the powerful Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem. Convergence in measure will become second nature, alongside concepts such as convergence almost everywhere and Egorov's Theorem.

The course then transitions seamlessly into probability measures and distributions. Probability spaces will be your foundation, with a clear definition of probability measures and their axioms. You'll delve into probability distributions, distinguishing between discrete and continuous distributions, and gaining insights into probability density functions (PDFs) and cumulative distribution functions (CDFs). Expected value and variance will provide the mathematical tools needed for probabilistic analysis.

In the final part of the course, you'll venture into advanced topics, including the Radon-Nikodym Theorem, which explores absolute continuity and singularity. The measure-theoretic foundation of probability theory will unfold, connecting probability spaces with measure theory. You'll explore the laws of large numbers and the central limit theorem, uncovering the mathematical underpinnings of statistical inference. Stochastic processes will complete your journey, with an introduction to Markov chains, martingales, and the fascinating world of Brownian motion.

Whether you're an aspiring mathematician, a data scientist, a statistician, or simply someone intrigued by the elegant dance between measure theory and probability, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of the mathematical foundations that underpin the world of uncertainty and randomness.

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Baptiste Mokas - Weeki

Polymath & Multipotential. Founder of @Weeki - The Endless Visual Workspace for Scientific Collaboration | Teacher | Datascientist & ML Engineer | Writer | Music producer | Phd Student in psychoMathematics

    theory of systems

    Measure theory

  • weeki Weeki
  • PriceFree
  • LevelIntermediate
  • Course duration4h
  • LanguageEnglish
  • InstructorBaptiste Mokas

#MeasureTheory #ProbabilityFoundations #StochasticProcesses